vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009

Monsieur mangetout

hy guy`ss I want to present you Monsieur a strange guy...he eats things wich are made of metal,glass,rubber and cloth... his name is Michel let`s start....
Monsieur Mangetout
Michel Lotito (born June 15, 1950) is a French entertainer. Lotito, who was born in Grenoble, is famous as the consumer of undigestables, and is known as Monsieur Mangetout (Mister Eat-it-all). Lotito's performances are the consumption of metal, glass, rubber and so on in items such as bicycles, televisions, a Cessna 150, and smaller items which are disassembled, cut-up and swallowed. The aircraft took roughly two years to be 'eaten' from 1978 to 1980. He began eating unusual material while a child and has been performing publicly since 1966.
Michel Lotito (June 15, 1950 - June 25, 2007[1]) was a French entertainer. Lotito, who was born in Grenoble, was famous for eating undigestables, and was known as Monsieur Mangetout ("Mister Eat Everything").
His performances were the consumption of metal, glass, rubber, and so on, in items such as bicycles, televisions, a Cessna 150, and smaller items that were disassembled, cut up, and swallowed. The aircraft took roughly two years to be 'eaten' from 1978 to 1980. He began eating unusual material as a child and performed publicly from 1966.
Lotito did not often suffer from ill effects due to his diet, even after the consumption of materials usually considered poisonous. When performing he consumed around a kilogram of material daily, preceding it with mineral oil and drinking considerable quantities of water during the 'meal'. He said, however, that bananas and hard-boiled eggs made him sick. It is estimated that between 1959–1997 Lotito had eaten around 1 ton of metal.
Michel died of natural causes on June 25, 2007, ten days after his 57th birthday. He is buried at Grenoble Cemetery

(This is the same thing only is in romain)

Michel Lotito, din Franţa, are cel mai ciudat meniu din lume. Acesta a început din 1959 să consume zilnic metal şi până astăzi nimeni nu a reuşit să-i egaleze apetitul. Francezul poate consuma zilnic aproximativ 900 de grame de metal. Michel Lotito a declarat într-un interviu că bananele şi ouăle prăjite îi fac rău, în schimb orice este din fier îi face bine la stomac. Din cauza preocupării sale mai puţin obişnuite, omul este supranumit "Mangetout", adică mănâncă-tot. Pentru a-şi reconfirma abilităţile, recent, Michel Lotito a mâncat într-un an 128 de biciclete, 15 cărucioare de supermarket, 6 candelabre şi 2 perechi de schiuri.
And this is the link` of his video on youtube:

joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

hy guyss` here is bubby and today i decided to put on my blog some strange pictures.....Is something that` you don`t see every day.....Some pictures are funny or even nice(for exemple that emo girl is prety but the toilet behind her ruin the whole picture)...another are slimy or scarry(like that woman who is so weak)....but alls are verri strange`...have fun with` it`
....i hope you`ll enjoy`it bye bye....

hi guys wat`s upp....y watch on youtube a fhew videos and i decided to put them on my blogg`....its about` this sweet` animals dancing and singing....i laught much when i`ve seet....this videos are verri swet i hope you`ve like` them too:X:X^_^ with love BuBBy`;x

look at that little penguin is soo sweeth`...i lo him ^__^ <3 <3

hy alls`:X here is bubby` and this is my blog....I make this blog for show you guys difrerent funny, about grils style;make-up;fashion....also you cam make me diferent questions or tell me different storryes and i will try to help you with an advice or an answer or eneven tell you my I hope you`ll enjoy this will talk soon guyss....bye bye...^__^